How often have you ever seen car companies trying to create a universal edakii responsible for many needs a car? Yes, virtually every new car shouting: “I’m so alone, others do not seem to be, and, of course, but I am able to combine the high level of comfort / security / cross, and thus vary the reasonable price / roomy trunk / low fuel consumption.” In fact, the leaves are not quite clear vinaigrette. Like a promise to fulfill, but somewhere not Doda, somewhere overdone, somewhere shalturili frankly, but about some of the promises and did forget. About how justified were the expectations of one, perhaps, the most anticipated cars in 2009 in the material of our journalists.

Indeed, more than the Hyundai i30, I waited only a substitute for Goetz model i20, it was not that my thoughts were busy with extremely compact and I was just curious to know what will be the future generation of mega popular, which, incidentally, in connection with the new generation is not removed the conveyor, Goetz. Believe it or not, but the information that the i30 will be available in hatchback I took no initiative. Well, hatchback, well with the class. So, stop! The Koreans themselves in this class with a hatchback have not tried! So, it kind of debut!

Frankly a little intimidated by the fact that this is the first experience of Hyundai in the creation of such vehicles. Again, the promise that the i30 will be “practical and dynamic,” “affordable and safe”. Well, as you can tell on a first date with a girl to come fully prepared? All the same, on a bookshelf forget the handkerchief, and he will need. Polish shoes at home, ruining the road. In short, the first experience (not only in campaigns to visits), it usually turns out a little crumpled, awkward and funny. Comforted only by the fact that the company Hyundai has a huge potential and opportunities to create bold and successful projects. Thus, it is hoped that the salad would not? To begin viewing.

“Should you see this car, he immediately wins you recognition. This is written in the brochure model i30. Indeed, there is this new product, something that makes passed her stop and start more detail to see the body line, shape headlights. What is the secret, it is clear immediately. It can be seen where pointed at Hyundai, designing the exterior of its i30. Europe and no less, ladies and gentlemen! And not “lapped up the fake” famous models, and distinctive design. Someone might find similarities with well-known Germans, well, so it is less a blueprint, and fashion, which is in the automotive world dictates its own rules of no less than Stalin during his reign. But with these laws can play a funny game called “Check for flexibility.” I’ll explain. Here’s a look at the car in three-quarters of the front. Purely European model! And the same view from the stern gives a totally different effect! Here it east! It turns out that when creating your model Hyundai not only followed the traditions and laws of a European appearance, but also managed to bring it (in appearance), their unique features! And even here there are no questions about the cost to do this or not. Therefore, as a result we have a very successful appearance. Prestigious, modern, European. And most importantly, performed in the best traditions of Hyundai.

It turns out that i30 original immigrant. In the best sense of the word. He did not flee from their homeland curbed civil war and strife. Maybe it escaped from his great-grandfather, but he was already a full-fledged European with all the rights and responsibilities.

Lot of interesting details. For example, hidden exhaust pipe or the front wings, the upper line are raised to the cheek, from which the hood began to look wider and sports.

And, of course, a hatchback with a class without an aggressive profile! And i30 is perfectly demonstrated. Putting the car to take some time to walk around on all sides and I understand that with each he particularly noteworthy, but the profile! Feast for the eyes!

What might be the conclusion here? Before us is a typical and at the same time is not typical and, importantly, the European car with a class hatchback. Atypical original parts that could stand out among competitors at i30 enough. The car looks very modern and stylish. Accuse Hand for careless or non-fulfillment of promises impossible.

We sat down in the salon. The first thing you like – no specific smell “new car”. Frankly, this smell like it is not for everyone. Believe me, nauseating pair of fresh upholstery and plastic pall over time so that the salon does not want to sit down. Yes, the idea of air-conditioners with the smell of “new saloon car” I too do not like. Why should deceive the passengers, who see how many scratches had to leave your glasses or a mobile phone? However, back to the salon i30.

As mentioned above, the salon does not “fascinated” a sharp odor. But the point is not that in the test car before we managed to visit about thirty people, absorbing its jacket or jeans all this grace. Just as before Hyundai used his famous hypoallergenic materials which do not cause violent reactions on the skin or lungs. Is why there is so pleasant to sit.

General style salon – seasoned, again, a European classic. Like all of the canons, but his ideas are not without cost. Here’s to you, please, and the ability to connect the iPod, but stylish center console, obviously The projected eastern masters. So it is graceful and beautiful.

The wheel to sit comfortably, thanks to that have become familiar features adjustable lumbar support and adjustable steering wheel height and removal.

Do not lack the space and comfort and rear passengers. Even with the maximum shifted back seats seats in front of the knees abound.

Hyundai i30 has received 5 stars on the system Euro NCAP. By and large that’s it. But I would like to separately mention that already in the base of the car has 6 airbags (driver, front passenger, front side, curtain airbags), rear disc brake system and ABS + EBD, ESP.

Salon spacious and versatile. Universal, he is good sense, when, and general design, and capacity meet the needs of most drivers. Europe, that there be added.

On the road
It is very difficult to put into words feelings on the behavior of the road. It is difficult, not because I still have not learned to translate emotions into words, but difficult from the fact that when you see the obvious disadvantages becomes easier. Well, for instance, weak suspension or uninformative steering wheel, all of these disadvantages make brighter note the positive side. But cunning developers i30 plunged me into shock. I have long searched for that would find fault with their creation. Long awaited mischief or frank marriage.

But for my family, our Russia bumps we go with comfort. Even the rear, moving tram tracks I was not slipped to the roof (McPherson-type front suspension, rear multi-link). What can we say about the handlebars and drayverskih quality! Electric power steering, to which many of our drivers are biased to the i30’s great, it does not tear the car on the side, should you turn the steering wheel a little, but instead calculates correctly and seemed to feel stress, which transmits to him the driver. From the fact so easy to transform from i30 lanes. From the fact so easy to unfold in the small “Piglet”. Of course, the latter still merit and a good angle of rotation.

General conclusion
Each person is individual. Someone Give the speed, someone safety, someone looking for practicality, and someone is chasing the latest technologies. They are all united by one thing. I am sure each of them will be liked Hyundai i30.