Hyundai i30 blue on road test

Hyundai i30 blue on road test

The car was created with a broad expansion of the brand in the European market. Therefore, the new model, according to the founders, were taken into account all the possible preferences of the Western drivers, one of which – pinpoint handling. We were able to verify if this is on country roads, in traffic jams and a professional kart track.

To test was chosen as the most popular for residents of large cities a car with 1.6 liter engine (122 hp) and 4-speed automatic configuration to “Comfort” Since the engine is OK, it is equipped with a proprietary system variable valve timing CVVT and shows not bad 154 Nm torque, but power-Fluid like an eloquent allusion to the fact that, because of European distaste for participation in the process of automatic gearshift, this type of transmission will not be massively in demand. And it is in vain, in the mirror megacities koimi are most large cities, the relevance of “automatic” increases in proportion to the vehicle fleet, more dense, and densely filling the streets. However, in city traffic in the early rebuilding and moderate maneuvering tandem engine and gearbox does not cause irritation: switch is predictable and comfortable, and the stream can not easily keep the engine spinning above 2500 rpm. In this mode, and moderate appetite – 10,7 l/100 km, and the noise is normal, just annoying echoing tires Hankook Optima, soloing over the entire range of speeds. On country roads by the realization that such vehicles are not so much for the melancholic, sanguine, as for rationalists: if you hold a valid speed limit, nothing prints out of balance, with a tight suspension keeps in tone and confidence.

Car tester:

I must say that riding in the car on the kart track is very unusual. Is clear that there reigns the racing card. At the end of the line start / finish their rate rose past 140 km / h, and the overload forced to concentrate and be constantly on their toes. Permanent vibration also adds difficulties. It is these feelings remained with me after attending a series of stages of the RAF. At i30, everything is different. Develop more than 60 km / h is difficult – too high risk of flight and met with masked with sacks of straw fences, especially in the last turn. Thus, instead of hard shocks – smooth and very quiet ride to the accompaniment of whistling tires. After all the sports card seems like a slow-motion, but smooth and comfortable. “Automatic” fairly brisk: the first gear tachometer needle enters the red zone before the middle of the line. Response to the gas pedal, as befits a car with a gun a little lazy. Steering of the car is too bad. It can be clearly defined path and enter into turns without drifts of the rear axle.

Summing up the experience, do not forget that after all i30 city car, not a racing shell, but in this role he is able to give a lot of fun. A machine get rid of superfluous suffering in traffic jams, in which so easily accessible even at the entrance to the metropolis